
Becoming the best version of yourself

What A Difference A Few Years Can Make – – –

I was sent this post and had a fun time looking it over.  While many of the things on there I agree with, some of them I will admit to still doing.  Guess that means I’m not quite as “hip” as my children and their friends are but that’s OK.  In some things they’re not near as “cool” as I am either!!

Look these over and see if you agree.  If nothing else, it’s a fun exercise in reminding ourselves just how far and how fast life has progressed and times have changed.  Have we progressed with the times and the technology or are we stuck in the past?  Is this a tiny bit like getting a divorce yet not moving on?  Enjoy these and take some of them with a grain of salt . . .

But you better NEVER stop writing those “hand-written” thank you notes or my Mother will haunt you for the rest of your natural born life!  Just sayin’ . . .

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Happy Anniversary and a HUGE Heartfelt Thanks – – –

That’s right, it’s been one year since I started this blog and I’m so very grateful for all the support I’ve received during that year.  I know I’m not alone in what I’ve been going through.  I know that I have love and support from others who “get it”.

It was funny, I went back and read the first blog that went out for Valentine’s Day 2012 and things really haven’t changed too terribly much.  It’s another Valentine’s day spent with a TV tray, my DVR and my dogs.  A BFF did send me a beautiful heart-shaped box of chocolates which I have every intention of emptying very soon.  I got to spend time with my new five-week old grand baby – a girl – this morning, a real treat since I’m the mother of sons!  If that doesn’t show you “the real thing”, nothing will.

I’ll stay at home tonight because to go out would just throw me into the middle of “couple-dom” every where you look and I just don’t want to see that on this day about “love”.

So thanks for “following” me and who knows what the next year might bring?


When It’s Time For A Pep Talk – – –

So, after I finished writing the last entry I remembered seeing an article about being “positive” when putting yourself out there in the dating world.  I myself stated several posts ago that maybe all the “good ones” are taken.  Some times you just feel that way and it’s OK.  Do others really sense when you’re down or feeling like it’s hopeless?  Do you exude the negativity that you feel?

That said, when I’m on my “highs” and feeling good about my life, I probably do sound more like this post I borrow from  After all, they seem to know a thing or two about dating, even if I personally have never had any success there.  (or any other dating website for that matter)  Perhaps all I need to do is polish up my flirting skills.  Can I find an “app” for that?

Is it true you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your Prince Charming?  Good question, no clear answer.  But if today is one of those days that you need to think positive, here’s a little help.  I will if you will.  : -)


It’s Not Good Being Lonely – – –

Nope, it really isn’t.  But how do we prevent it when/if we’re alone?  It’s exhausting coming up with ways to entertain yourself other than a TV tray and your DVR!  The need for companionship is paramount in anyone’s life.  Even more so is the need for touch.  So how do we go about making sure we don’t end up alone and lonely every night?

I don’t know about you but I can find things to occupy myself during the day.  If you are a working woman, then your day is beyond full.  If you are not, there are activities out there that you can occupy yourself with whether it’s volunteering, part time work, book clubs, needlework groups, bible studies or church related activities, physical activities such as walking, running or fitness classes.  You can take classes or if you have a particular skill set you can share – teach a class?  It’s almost spring time here, hard to believe since it’s just the first part of February but my trees are budding so how about a gardening project?

Oh, . . . but the nights . . .

Those are the toughest for me.  GF’s suggest meeting for lunch, but then those same GF’s go home to their husbands at night and suddenly they forget that there’s another meal of the day that you might enjoy sharing with people (rather than your dogs!)  We’ve talked about this before, it’s a couple’s world and most especially at night – couples go out with couples.  Why is that?  What are they afraid of?  Or do they just not even think about it?

So what do you do to fill your time?  How do you escape your loneliness?  Would love to hear from you.  In the meantime, I share a link below that talks about emotional wellness because keeping our spirit happy and healthy is just as important as our physical well being.  May all our spirits rise this week!
