
Becoming the best version of yourself

A Daily Reminder!

So many different versions of this, but the message is always the same.

With all we are bombarded with in the media these days, it’s hard to believe there is truly anyone out there that has “it”.  That’s Integrity with a capital “I”.

What do YOU do when no one is watching?  I’d like to think that it comes second nature to us all  I’d also like to think that I will always do the right thing, no matter whether I have an audience or not.

I think I do, I certainly try hard to.  But maybe I’ll use this reminder today just to make sure.

Integrity is the key for good societal behavior, especially when no one is watching you.  Will you display it today?


Since When Is Life “Convenient”?

It’s been a crazy, sometimes sad, sometimes irritating start to my summer.  When I look at all the things I’ve had to deal with, I fear most people would say “Huh?  I should be so lucky to have THOSE problems!”

It’s not even so much all the things that have broken, needed replaced, quit working etc., it’s more that it just keeps happening and like the old football penalty used to be called:  “piling on”!

Literally was out walking the dogs, having a conversation with the universe saying basically, “OK – enough’s enough!  Let’s get this bad karma turned around!”   And I get in the car to take a friend to catch her van to the airport and the car is DEAD!  I look heavenward and say, “Really???  This is how you answer me?”

BUT – in each case, I’ve had the support of really wonderful friends, and even some strangers, that have stepped up to help.  It still costs me time and money to deal with all these repairs, replacements and redos – but I know I’m not alone.

It’s not always convenient to be my friend.  Heck, I’m sure there are times when it’s not fun at all – but they still show up for me when that black karma cloud just refuses to go sit over someone else’s head.

Whether it’s my GF’s husband and son who came to jump my dead car, assess the problem, go to Walmart and buy me a new battery and install it, or the neighbors who stopped by to check on me after having to put one of my GSD’s down (after she quit eating and lost the use of her legs), or the visiting GF who helped me set up my new printer, replacing the one that just decided to quit, or the Good Samaritan and his son who stopped their car when my dogs busted through the Invisible Fence (that the landscapers had cut unbeknownst to me) and chased a deer through and across a heavily traveled road and caught them unharmed – it’s been ONE OF THOSE SUMMERS!

There is kindness still out there even though we don’t see it much on the news anymore.  And there are people who will show up for you even when it’s not at all convenient!  I’m trying to remember that and be grateful!


I’ve Got My Left-Turn Blinker ON!!


Ha!!  It’s been a crazy 10 days, and when I saw this, I definitely decided I need a direction change.  I gotta tell you, that little rain cloud over my head is getting durned annoying.

A week ago Thursday, had to put down one of my dogs.  They’re all special, and she was 13 1/2, but she was my spirit animal.  Rescued her after my divorce was final, and we moved into our new “single life” home together the first night.  It was really hard letting her go.

Less than a week after that, my other two escaped the yard that has an electric fence, that unfortunately had been severed by the landscapers – bad time to find out.  Chasing a deer, pretty instinctual, but not having the fence working certainly didn’t slow them down.  Good samaritan to the rescue, I thought my luck was changing.  Crossing the heavily traveled road hot on the tail of that deer, well . . . . let’s just say everyone is amazed that those dogs survived their adventure.  (Longest 11 minutes of my life, as my FitBit watch recorded my heart rate during the chase as being on an elliptical)

Then the printer decides to die, printhead error – what the heck is a printhead?  So FINE!!  I’ll start looking for a good replacement.  And I’ll be able to go buy it when the car (that died in the garage Saturday) recovers from a dead battery drained by an alternator that needs to be replaced because YES – I really really wanna spend that extra $500??

OK – enough whining, but starting tomorrow – that left turn blinker will be flashing BRIGHT!

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