
Becoming the best version of yourself

1) The Past Cannot Be Changed

Nope, no matter how hard we try, it’s there.  It happened.

Are you like me and sometimes think in your active imaginative brain what “coulda been” . . . if only?

I replay things over and over and formulate different endings.  Yes, I do the “shoulda, woulda, coulda” dance in my head.  But to what end?

That would be the end that drives you crazy because unless you find a time machine, the past cannot be changed.  Nor probably should the past BE changed because it’s how we learn.  It’s the old, “If this . . . then that”!!  For every action there is a reaction (high school physics, not my favorite – just sayin’!)

As I grow older, I understand that the past cannot be changed and I must keep trying to do what’s right, what’s best for me in my own personal situation.  Other’s may not always agree with my actions, my thoughts, my behavior – but it is mine and I own it.

I alone am responsible for how I take the past in to account to decide my future.  I am much happier now, than I was in most of my past.  I thought I had a loving marriage – I was wrong, but what I take from that is invaluable to how I move forward.  That hurt has made me strong, those lessons have been learned and stored for future reference.

I am a better person because of the past, changing it would alter the course of my life as it is now – so no thanks.  I’m a better person because of it.


A Few Days of Thoughts (Because It’s A Good Day To Share!)

Thanks FR for sending these gems to me!  They’re all wonderful, and it’s quick to peruse, and then forget.  But you know me, so instead – I post it today, and will then take each point one by one to “think on”!

Yes, you guessed it – I’ll be sharing those thoughts to tickle yours over the next few days!  Hope to hear from you.

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No Wonder I’m Tired At Times, LOL!

In my book I encourage people to get up, get out and get active.  I suggest using a step tracker of some sort to actually see how active (or inactive) you are on a daily basis.

I use the FitBit.  There are many trackers out there, but I love that it tracks my heart rate, my steps and my sleep (which certainly lacks) among other things.

This year my totals were emailed to me and after seeing them – I was exhausted.  My goal is 10,000 steps per day.  Let’s just say I’m more apt to reach and/or surpass those goals in the summer (i.e. nice weather) vs. rainy wintry days.  Still, when you see the grand total, it kinda takes your breath away.

Amongst my goal oriented friends who are in my “group”, I’m usually right in the middle in the number of steps per day.  Not really a competition . . . but then again.

The (constant) leader is a “runner” and since she normally runs five miles a day I am NEVER going to beat her.  (on the few weeks where I have surpassed her, I’ve emailed her to find out if she broke both feet – she is THAT dedicated).

Why I ever accepted her “friend” request via FitBit is beyond me.  WTH was I thinking??

So, here’s how I did in 2017:

2,832,537 steps or,

1,236 miles

435,203 calories burned

So why are my jeans so tight, SIGH????

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Some Things Never Change – – –

Musician John Mayer posted this list of Principles of Adult Behavior on Instagram honoring the passing of John Perry Barrow.  The “Principles of Adult Behavior” itself was written by Barrow, then a lyricist for the Grateful Dead, in 1977 on his 30th birthday.

This post by another “blogger”, was shared with me by a friend who shares my same “thoughts” on behavior.   Really, when you read it, don’t you flash back to things that your parents taught you “back in the day”?

Sometimes the simplest credo’s are the easiest to follow.  My mother always called it “common sense”.  I call it my hope for humanity.  Thanks Carol!!


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Shared By My Pal LB – – –

“Secrets to Inner Peace”

If you can start the day without caffeine,

If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,

If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,

If you can eat the same food everyday and be grateful for it,

If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time,

If you can take criticism and blame without resentment,

If you can conquer tension without medical help,

If you can relax without alcohol,

If you can sleep without the aid of drugs, . . . . . . .


Then You Are Probably The Family Dog!

And you thought I was going to get all spiritual ….

Handle every Stressful situation like a dog.

If you can’t eat it or play with it,

Pee on it and walk away!