
Becoming the best version of yourself

How To Succeed In Family And Community:

Three simple truths to being a part of a healthy family and a vibrant community.

  1. Sit in Truth
  2. Walk in Love
  3. Stand against Evil

If you’re like me, some days are definitely better than others. My “actions speak louder than words”! (and sometimes those actions just irritate people)

My thoughts? They are not always positive, and I do try to banish them where they belong. Life can be a struggle, and everyone has something that is troubling them.

Sometimes if you just give it time, it’ll work itself out. Sometimes you can meet it head on and take charge. And sometimes, you just have to walk away.

I heard a great talk today about being 1) positive, 2) profound and 3) purposeful.

Sometimes we as humans flourish, sometimes we flounder.

So I’ll continue to work hard to have my best life, and be the best version of myself that I can be. I will remember that we are all just a “work in progress”.

Hope you have a great week.

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