
Becoming the best version of yourself

It’s Great When The Professionals Echo Your Feelings!

Not that I really need anyone to tell me how TO feel and how IT feels being single and divorced, BUT . . . it is nice to know that so many others are out there that validate your crazies!!

Important to know then that there are always ladies out there who have been where you’ve been, are feeling the way you feel, and don’t think any less of you for it!!

Take heart, and enjoy this link!!  We’re a sisterhood.

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Change Is Good – Maybe?

JFK is quoted as saying, “Change is the law of life . . . and those who only look to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”

This is a lot like a prior post I wrote about saying that you can’t go “forward” in life, if you’re constantly looking in the rear view mirror.

However, this is really more about the future and what making changes in your life can do to affect that same future.

Is change the law of life?  Maybe.  After all things that don’t change just become stagnant and stale.  Picture stagnant and stale standing water – yuk; turns green and smells bad.  Do you want to turn green and smell bad?  Probably not.

Lately I’ve been making many changes in my life, some by choice, some not – but still – change.  The jury is still out whether or not this is going to make much difference in how I perceive myself and my future – but I have to try.

I know for sure that dwelling in the past is not good, and I’ve felt very successful in putting most of that negative energy behind me.  Every day is a new chance to make changes for your future.  Baby steps to giant leaps – it’s worth giving it a shot.

JFK had great visions of our future and he challenged our country to look into that direction.  So if today you have “one direction” to look – make it forward into a brighter and happier future.