
Becoming the best version of yourself


It’s been a long time since I committed “rant” to “paper”, LOL!! Have really tried to be positive, upbeat, uplifting – you get the drift. Want to be a point of light, want to make all my followers feel good. Heck, I want to feel good. : -)

But every once in a while, the evil takes over, and a good old fashioned rant can clear the air – maybe?

So let’s talk about commitment, and not the kind between a “couple”. My past has already shown that to be a losing effort for me.

I’m referring to friends, associates, groups, meetings, plans, etc.

If you say you’re going to do something, DUH, then do it . . .

If you say you’re going to show up for something, then show up . . .

If you say you’re going to attend, and then don’t (PLEASE) let the person who invited you know? I don’t understand. Sorry, just don’t. What happened to manners?

I know you think one person (you) backing out won’t make a difference, because you’re only considering yourself and how that might not mess up the “plan”. But if every person in the group only thinks that their one “cancellation” won’t impact, and 90% of the group decide not to come – well then YES, it does have an impact.

So, before you skewer me – yes I know life happens and sometimes your plan has to be altered through no fault of your own – but maybe it’s just my karma? Maybe I’m trying too hard to create events and opportunities to be together and I just need to give it a rest? Because if I look back at the last few weeks and the few events that were affected by cancellations and no shows, it could be a telling sign that people just don’t wanna hang with me?

But as soon as I quit inviting certain people to certain gatherings I’ll be accused of being a “mean girl” and leaving them out? Total “no win” situation. So the solution? Just quit trying? I don’t know, therefore: The Rant.

We’ve forgotten how to be polite. We’ve forgotten the manners we were brought up with. We’ve forgotten that our decisions do have an effect on others who made the plans and have to decide do we just start pulling chairs away from the table or cancel all together?

As I sit here and type this, I wonder whether or not I should really hit “publish” – and if I don’t you will have never seen this. And if I do, I’ve rolled the dice and decided to take a chance that just maybe you’ve experienced the same dilemma and I’m not alone in this? Because it’s beginning to feel a bit personal.

Or maybe it’s a bit like Sally Fields and her Oscar win, when from the podium she was saying, “You like me, you really like me!” and I just need a bit of empathy . . . (and kudos BTW to the people who DID show up, thank you!)

OK – Rant over. Next couple of weeks I’ll be back to the positive, upbeat and uplifting gal!!

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