
Becoming the best version of yourself

Life Is Like A Book, . . .

Such true words. I feel like that is what’s happening in my life right now. I’m peaking over a precipice to see “what the next chapter holds.”

Have you been through this lately? A life change? It could be a relationship change, it could be a job status change, it could be a zip code/area code change.

Change is difficult, it’s challenging and it can bring you to your knees if you don’t try to have the right attitude about it. And even if you do have the right attitude about it, you still might need to hear those words of encouragement that you are making the right change.

Encouragement isn’t just for the scared or the weak – it needs to be for even the strongest and bravest because no one ever truly knows what’s going on “inside” your mind. That brave front you put “out there” for all to see? Later at night all alone is when those doubts start to plague you.

So, as you turn that chapter today, tomorrow or some time in the near future, find those people who “have your back”. Surround yourself with those people who offer encouragement and will be there for you, not just during a chapter change, but through life.

Find your “real deal” friends! You will know the ones. Like for me this past week when my BF from High School, and coincidently Maid of Honor in my wedding, reached out to have lunch. After almost four hours, I think the restaurant purposely quit refilling our iced tea glasses thinking we’d taken up the prime real estate on their patio for long enough, LOL! But what a wonderful way to spend an afternoon catching up with a “real deal” friend.

And what wonderful knowledge to carry with me into my next chapter, that I have friends like that in my life – not always seen, but always there when needed. So hey, next chapter? Bring it on, I got this . . .

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Plato – After All These Years

Some wisdom is ageless. But this is REALLY far back.

“The greatest wealth is to live content with little.”

  • Plato

After 13 1/2 years in this house that I built “during and post” divorce, I’m putting it on the market.


The last time I had to list a house, pack up and organize a move – I was in the throes of divorce. Not the best of times. What to take? What to sell? What to donate? What will fit? Never thought I’d be doing it again, yet . . .

So when I saw this today in a book I’d been pouring over, about downsizing (thanks Marla!) it just seemed appropriate. I’m doing my best to re-purpose things. I’m donating things, I’m selling things. I’ve gotten prolific on eBay. I’ve entered the worlds of Poshmark and The RealReal.

I’m learning that what’s valuable in my eyes is not necessarily valuable at all. And I’m learning that the “it” thing is a white kitchen. Mine, of course, is stained wood in the shade of walnut.

Lucky for me I have neutral walls already but seriously? How much to change to make it the house that sells vs. the house that doesn’t? It’s a hot market in our city right now. Total epic fail last week on the power grid and water supply aside, Houston is a popular place to move to right now. And those interest rates? SCORE!

Letting go is hard. Combing through 40 years of photo albums, family memories, baby books that your kids do NOT want? Wow. Talk about a walk down memory lane. But I did it. Took a week, pulling out 10-15 photos only from each album that holds hundreds? Tough. Walking them out to the trash can? Even tougher.

My sons tell me that cleaning out is freeing. I’ll feel a lighter load. What I really felt was “Why? Why was my marriage and happily ever after the one that ended?” Why am I once again listing a house, and packing up ALL BY MYSELF?

Take a breath . . . because “The greatest wealth is to live content with little.” Guess Plato knew a thing or two . . .