
Becoming the best version of yourself

Fact: Stay Classy!

Recently had this shared on my FB page and loved loved loved it. When I was young, I noticed, since my parents were older (and therefore had older friends), that many of the women were kinda crabby all the time. I always swore that wouldn’t be me.

Then I got older and started to understand why. Life not where you thought it would be? Your dreams unanswered? People disappoint you? Is this all there is?

Hard to do, but worth trying. We can all try to “remain classy” as we work our way through the disappointments caused by friends, family and the universe. Enjoy these helpful hints and see (not judging, I’m equally as guilty) if maybe there’s one there that you can work on.

(And hoping that my “copy/paste” from FB – to this blog works, LOL! I’m old – but not crabby!!)

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Who You Callin’ Old??

I got a kick outta this article the other day. We’ve all been thinking this for a while now. We’re living longer, and feeling younger. At least I hope you are?

Of course it takes a “study” of some kind to prove what we’ve known for a while now. Being active, thinking young, and surrounding yourself with like minded people – all this helps keep us vital both mentally and physically.

Drives my son’s crazy that at my age, I’m still riding horses and on the occasion, jumping them around a course of obstacles. Heck, just climbing up on the back of an 1100 pound animal with attitude is sometimes challenging. But it’s my passion, and my passion just happens to be pretty physically and mentally challenging at times.

Give the article a read and see if you can see yourself in it! Meanwhile, I’m going to get back to researching and planning my next adventure this Fall with friends “of a certain age” who still enjoy crossing an ocean and discovering other countries. After all, we’re not getting any younger . . .


A Little Light’Heartedness Today!!

Many thanks to my old next-door neighbor, or should I say “former” next-door neighbor (so I don’t make her feel old??) for sharing this with me yesterday!!

Seemed appropriate and did make me giggle to myself. Hope it will give you some light heartedness on the day after tax day (and for those of us in the mountains where it snowed AGAIN – UGH!!)?

Where does it all come from????????

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