
Becoming the best version of yourself

Sunday Thought – – –

on March 10, 2024

How’s the time change working for you? The older I get the more I appreciate those states who no longer deal with Daylight Savings Time. Spring forward? How’s about ‘Spring’ing into a face plant. Feeling kinda sluggish today, of course I could also attribute that to the very busy two weeks of travel I’ve had and a fairly packed calendar of events. Didn’t used to slow me down, but OK, I’m older now, ha ha.

So after a dog walk, an appointment at the Apple Store, and a grocery run, I found myself on the sofa binging a series on Netflix. “Madoff – The Monster of Wall Street”. You know about him, you think you understand it, but the details are fascinating and wow, would not wanna be the SEC during all of that discovery. Talk about an EPIC fail. But I digress . . .

One of the main people who narrate on camera is a woman, who in summation at the end of the four-parter comes up with a statement that was so significant to me that I had to pause it, write it down, so I could share it with you. Not only does/did it apply to the Ponzi scheme and meltdown of his investment business, but is totally relatable to many other areas of life. Summed it up so succinctly that I had to stop and think about things in my past, and how to handle relationships in the future.

So here it is, for your consideration:

The only people who can deceive you completely, are people you trust completely. And the price of trusting anyone is that they can betray you like that”.

I tend to place my trust way too often, and way too easily. Do I want to always be suspicious? No, but maybe a few things in my past might’ve turned out differently if I had been? Hind sight is 20-20 but as I move forward, it certainly is food for thought.

Not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but certainly it is OK to be cautious moving forward with personal relationships. They say that trust given freely, once broken, must be earned back. In some cases, maybe you never give it back. Be careful out there and remember the one person you can ever really truly count on, is yourself.

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